Kill Devil Hill
This work was commissioned to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the power of flight. The Idea for Kill Devil Hill began in the summer of 2002. The events of 9/11 were still weighing heavily on all of us. I began thinking about the piece and the significance of the Wright Brother's historic event. I soon found myself building a mental timeline from the first flight on Kill Devil Hill - December 17, 1903 until today.
Within 10 years of the first flight the aircraft was carrying mail and cargo. The military began purchasing aircraft, which were used in World War I. Within 20 years there was the first transcontinental flight and Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic Ocean. The aircraft was instrumental in World War II.
The airplane keeps us connected; it drives the world economy and has delivered the greatest acts of destruction in our history. I wanted to capture the beauty, genius and courage of the human spirit and the horrific reality of 9/11. There are the sounds of coming into the jet age (the machines) and New York City.
Kill Devil Hill's name comes from a type of rum that the locals consumed - and it was said that it could Kill the Devil!
Score: Orchestra
This work was commissioned to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the power of flight. The Idea for Kill Devil Hill began in the summer of 2002. The events of 9/11 were still weighing heavily on all of us. I began thinking about the piece and the significance of the Wright Brother's historic event. I soon found myself building a mental timeline from the first flight on Kill Devil Hill - December 17, 1903 until today.
Within 10 years of the first flight the aircraft was carrying mail and cargo. The military began purchasing aircraft, which were used in World War I. Within 20 years there was the first transcontinental flight and Charles Lindbergh flew across the Atlantic Ocean. The aircraft was instrumental in World War II.
The airplane keeps us connected; it drives the world economy and has delivered the greatest acts of destruction in our history. I wanted to capture the beauty, genius and courage of the human spirit and the horrific reality of 9/11. There are the sounds of coming into the jet age (the machines) and New York City.
Kill Devil Hill's name comes from a type of rum that the locals consumed - and it was said that it could Kill the Devil!
Score: Orchestra